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I’m so busy getting ahead I’m falling behind!

This comment struck me as I was talking with one of my clients this morning and it rings true. There is always so much to cover in your business – everything is important, but what do you sacrifice to time? What do you sacrifice to memory?

This is where organization is vital. Establishing policies and procedures early on will help you stay focused on the important tasks for your business. Then, keeping track of your must-do activity within the procedures will also save you time and money. Using some nifty hacks will come in handy.

For you post-it noters, or paper-users, make your “to do” list and tack it to the fridge with a magnet or stick it to your desk or monitor.

You can pull up your Google calendar or any scheduling app and start adding reminders. However, greater success will be achieved if you find an accountability partner who can help keep you on track in your business planning and processes. Being responsible to another individual is one of the greatest motivators.

Likewise, finding an accountability partner is vital when it comes to tracking the financial activities of your business. Seeing financial results of your business will help guide business decisions going forward. This makes financial reporting one of the most important measurements of effective policy and procedures, yes?

Common Cents Bookkeeping can be your financial accountability partner using QuickBooks Online software. Keeping your financial in a secure cloud connection helps keep your up-to-date financials available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This happens because as you use your bankcard, those transactions are regularly downloaded into the QuickBooks Online cloud software. Your Common Cents Bookkeeper regularly records these transactions so that your reports are up to date.

In addition, Common Cents will be able to send you gentle reminders for important deadlines or congratulations for achievements that are a part of your business playbook.

QuickBooks Online is a powerful, online, secure

software that is the gold standard in our book. Perhaps this is why so many apps are designed to blend seamlessly to the QuickBooks Online software. Common Cents Bookkeeping can find the right product that will work with your QuickBooks software to streamline your process so that you never need to worry about falling behind..... just stay busy making profits!

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